Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Is the Earth spinning weird for me down here? Me clumsy bad bad.

I knew that when I joined the Peace Corps, my mental health would be challenged in ways I couldn't even predict. I knew homesickness, loneliness and change of routine was expected. Culture clashes and language miscommunication would be obvious challenges. What didn't even cross my mind was the impact the Peace Corps would have on my body. It is interesting to reflect on all that has happened in the last 18 months; and the moment when things just came to be it is what it is....oh a rash... eh, Peace Corps... oh, a worm... obvi, that is so Peace Corps. Because this is supposed to be informative for ya'll, I am going to share with you what has happened to me since I left for Guyana over 18 months ago, to today. Don't let it scare you if you are thinking of joining the Peace Corps. Some volunteers never have any issues and are in perfect health the whole time. I think of it as building up my immune system. If you don't like feet pictures... just ignore the feet.

 1. The first week or so of training I bashed my head on things a few times. I rarely do this. This has continued to be an issue throughout my service. I am short. Why the heck am I bashing my head on things? Twice on a boat - HARD;  ran into a boxcar mirror; climbing my stairs (low ceiling);  standing up and bashing my head on open cupboards. I don't know what is going on. I think it is because I am close to the equator... maybe the earth's spin is getting to me. I am out of whack?
2. Strep Throat (or something of the sort - nasty throat bumps) - don't remember the last time I had strep... if ever?
3. Common Cold - numerous times- SOAP SOAP SOAP
4. Sprained right ankle walking down a dirt road, fell in a pothole
5. 5 days later... sprained my ankle worse x 1000 - possible micro-tears in ligament. THIS IS STILL A MESS and has been paining me all service
6. Hang Over(s) - Alcohol + Heat + Dehydration = nasty hangover
7. A bout of  Depression/Anxiety - more to this story at a later time
8. A WORM! I named him Frank. Luckily Frank didn't find a girlfriend, otherwise I would have had a ton of little Frank Jr's in my tummy.
9. Ankle Sprains led to tendonitis in ankle. needed phisiotherapy.  bad bad bad
10. Fell off my bike and busted up my knee - again - can being close to the equator mess with coordination?
11. Respiratory/lung infection - possibly asthma/allergy related
12. unbelievable heat rash in crevices that shall remain unnamed - Guyana is known by volunteers as the FUNGAL JUNGLE
13. sleep issues - insomnia and/or nightmares involving death of loved ones (lots of people, including family and close friends have died unexpectedly since I have been here)
14. weird skin rash on knees - ezcema? (note I have never had ezcema that I can remember, soooo...?)
15. Really bad HUGE unknown rash on arm and chest ------------>
-contact dermatitis - WHAT did I touch? no clue. Now I have a        crazy trail of scars down my arm. Cool.
16. PLUS SOOOOOOOO many scars from mosquito bites
17. Nose ring infection from the lovely water situation here + sweat and dirt
18. Sliced my foot open in a the Mahaica River on a branch
                                                                                                  Foot infection -->

19. Possible scabies eh, not sure about this one (in denial)
20. Rash on hands - contact dermatitis - still no clue what I am touching. I am so itchy! (Still going on)
21. Rash on foot - is now infected, puss, painful and puffy (as of today)
22. Hair loss - my hair is so thin now
23. 3 really bad sunburns - I have scars on my forehead from one burn
24. I almost had heat stroke at school sports last year - I was on the verge of passing out (nausea, loss of coordination & mental clarity, shivers) and had to get inside asap- luckily my friend Jenny rescued me and got me home and in a cold shower. FUN TIMES near the equator.
25. my boobs shrunk 2 cup sizes - agh ....
26. BUT,  lost 50 lbs.... gained back 10. Down 40 total as of now. Not complaining about this one.
27. I got bit by some sea creature at 63 beach while swimming (ok I was peeing in the ocean, maybe it was revenge)                                                                  ------------------>
<--------------28. Gigantic blisters

29. Sliced my heel opened (now resulting in a cool jagged scar!) on a rusty gate while searching through a field for another PCV's cat, which escaped from my house while I was supposed to be kitty sitting
30. Oh, and the obvious... diarrhea, dehydration and stomach bugs galore

So this is the list with 8 months to go, hoping it will stop right here. A lot of my friends have gotten dengue or Zika... crossing my fingers, knocking on wood, using endless bug spray, hoping I don't join that list. Please note that I was in excellent health (besides overweight) before I left, rarely sick and hardly ever clumsy. I don't know what the heck is happening to me here. Maybe it's just new germs and change of latitude/longitude. Despite all of this, I am glad that I am still here - the adventures I have had, people I have met, and work I have done, make it all worth it. Since I never want to end on a depressing note... Here is a list of awesome things that have happened over the last 18 months:

1. Adopted Bora (my cat)

2. Adopted Phoenix (my dog)
3. moved to Adelphi and met Seeta and co.
4. climbed a mango tree & climbed my windows/walls to hang hammocks like a spider monkey- - proving age is just a number
5. Re-discovered bike riding - I get to ride my bike to work everyday!
6. Done a ton of cool stuff at school:
                a. Library
                b. literacy lessons
                c. girls club
                d. staff development sessions
                e. holidays at school like Diwali, Phagwah, Christmas, Guyana 50th Independence
7. Met some awesome people, kids and friends at school
8. A few kids told me they wanted to be like me when they grow up ... scary but cute lol
9. grew my own basil from seeds
10. learned I was more creative and resilient than I ever thought possible
11. Went to Kaieteur Falls with Steve & Saba
12. Trip to Orealla and Siparuta with Seeta & Company (see blog) - was amazing!
13. Brittany came to visit!
14. Christmas with Suzy and Cassie in Alness Village - going to the beach on Christmas... yaaaas!
15. Adventure to Mara village
16. learning to make pizza on a towa on the stove (No oven)
17. Speaking Creolese - so fun - and endless entertainment for my neighbors
18. Heritage at St. Cuthberts with my PC friends!
19. My host family during training - love them!
21. FINALLY read all the Harry Potter books (and over 50 other books, including ones on the list for years like: Uncle Tom's Cabin, A Long Walk to Freedom, and some old favorites like: Pride & Prejudice, Clan of the Cave Bear)
22. discovering the pointy broom. I am obsessed.
23. Seeta's Jandi - participating start to finish - blog coming jus now
24. Phagwah - my favorite holiday ever now!
25. Pandama Winery
26. The great kitten rescue! 
27. My house, community and school.
28. Peace Corps friends!
29. Endless adventures with Peace Corps and Guyanese friends